Mensagem publicada 25 July 2011 - 13:49
Alguém com mais conhecimentos ou mais "informado" pode confirmar se isto é verdade:"On Android phone, a system service (e.g, Connectivity Service ) is responsible to manage WiFi and 3G data connections. In particular, it tracks the state of the two interfaces, and performs the following policy to let only the prefered data connection (the system default is WiFi) is kept:case1: Given WiFI is connected, then turn on 3G data connection. 3G connection will be automatically torn down by Connectivity Service.case2: Given 3G is connected, then turn on WiFi connection. Connectivity Service will tear down the existing 3G connection.case3: Given WiFi is connected, then WiFi is disabled by user. Connectivity Service will check if 3G is enable. If it is true, it will reconnect 3G automatically.The goal of COIN project is to use WiFi and 3G connections simultaneously. So it conflicts with the policy of Connectivity Service, but there is no configuration to edit the policy, and it is hard coded. You can find the clue in function."o link da página é o seguinte:ço
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