Changelog: 9/10/11Update to latest Miui.us release with framework modified to support additional English localesDecrease proximity delay (pohan2)Huge overhaul of wifi driver handling (hopefully this doesn't cause anything bad to happen!)Fix delay between bootloader logo and boot animationRemove aicbootfix (Added ages ago for some users claimed better battery but I don't think it's relevant anymore)x5settings: Update Chinese strings (icehong) and Portuguese strings (Francisofranco)InstallationCopy miui zip to your external sdcardBoot to ClockworkMod' class='bbc_url' title='Link Externo' rel='nofollow external'>http://www.androidpt.info/index.php?title=Cwm']ClockworkMod recovery' class='bbc_url' title='Link Externo' rel='nofollow external'>http://www.androidpt.info/index.php?title=Recovery']recovery(Optional) Perform a backup. After backing up reboot recovery' class='bbc_url' title='Link Externo' rel='nofollow external'>http://www.androidpt.info/index.php?title=Recovery']recovery (in the advanced menu)Install zip from sdcardImportant for first install Wipe data/cache.Reboot to system and enjoy. Be patient the first boot as it takes a while to build the dalvik cache and will just show a black screen for ~15 seconds.NotesFirewall is by default set to quite aggressive settings. I would suggest looking over these and turning it off if you don't need any of the features.Don't use the battery usage monitor.Thanks to those who donated to make this ROM possible:Ho Made, P.Santos, haydnlj, khunjj, N. Kesina, R. Rhbäck, Gefjon, bazz07, L. Luc, saran, C.Grama, sergejk, A.Robson, Trevh, R. Krawler.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=517JYwIscqsMais informações1.10.7 (English and Chinese):[/url] 1.10.7 (Português): Kernel Aconcelhado: franco.Kernel [04 OCT] Optimização da Ram: Ram optimization script by Juwe11 Temas: http://miuithemes.com