version 2.1 - New Fixed ICS Theme - Almost covers all menus and possible apps! (Fixed notification, theme includes, dialler, messaging, browser, etc.) - Free QuicPic included - HiddenMenu added - Music player in notification bar removed - more coming later version 2 - ICS Theme (credit to timvdhoorn) - ICS Media Player - new! - ICS Wallpapers, sounds, notifications included - Free ES FileExplorer added - remapped gesture button to wake up button. (credit to fjsw) - Galaxy Nexus bootanimation + new boot sound. You can put to \data\local to change boot animation. - fast, bugless, un-tweaked ROM - of course lite, deodexed' class='bbc_url' title='Link Externo' rel='nofollow external'>']deodexed and zipalligned.COMO INSTALAR
:- Fazer o download da ROM e passa la para o SD( links em baixo)- Entrar na recovery' class='bbc_url' title='Link Externo' rel='nofollow external'>']recovery e fazer dois wipes:-- cache partition-- data- Escolher a opção: "install zip from SD card"- Procurar a ROM da qual fizeram download- Flasha-la - RebootDOWNLOADS
version 2.1 -coming soon (to be uploaded after my work in the office) version 2 Download: http://www.4shared.c....tantrums.html? version 1 Download: http://www.mediafire...ubn2t5johiv6bya version 0 Download: http://www.mediafire...4gnpolp0bbbah9hversion 0 Requested ROM - deodexed' class='bbc_url' title='Link Externo' rel='nofollow external'>']deodexed and Zipalligned - WITH FULL LG STUFF (v20n based Download: http://www.4shared.c...tmlScreenshots: