UPDATE:-LeWa version 13.04.12 it's too buggy for me-
Build 30.03.12Note: As you know lewa it's a weekly build, unfortunately our phone is not supported.So I will post each new build fot testing with some changes. I want to keep the original "look and feel" of this
ROM, but anyone who wants to improve this it is free to do so.Of course nothing is perfect, and so these builds.
BUGS:-don't use Categories tab from LeWa File Manager, freeze or FC.

OLD POST -------------------------------------------------------------------------This OS is awesome… It includes data monitoring, power savings, custom and downloadable themes , pop-up SMS notification window showing the text with the reply box, etc.System is odexed (its fast) and app theme manager for importing the great themes.
LeWaOS-v0.1_aPT-v2pre@cipi ---->>>>
http://www2.zippysha...file.htmlgoogle apps ---->>>>
http://www65.zippysh...27110/file.htmlBugs: -problem with Youtube or Google Video, at least I have-no auto brightness setting-if dial a number, for example *115#, the character # is ignored
Workaround: use an alternative Dialer, personally i like ExDialer!-for Market FC's just use above link
google appsLeWaOS-v1_aPT-v2pre@cipiChangelog:-dialing number bug, like *115#, fixed-
deodexed' class='bbc_url' title='Link Externo' rel='nofollow external'>http://www.androidpt.info/index.php?title=Deodexed']deodexed-Google Apps (play store) included in build-added Theme Chooser-live wallpaper-Miui file explorer-Google play music-Angry Birds unlocker, very funny-Milocker, lot of lockscreens-spare parts for more costumization-maybe more<<
>> http://www63.zippysh...file.htmlThemes link: http://www64.zippysh...743/file.htmlDO NOT USE INTERNET CONNECTION WHEN CHANGE LAUNCHER THEME, just download themes provided and copy in folder sdcard\lewa\theme\theme, but should not be more than 10-12 in mentioned folder, one time.how to install : - go to recovery' class='bbc_url' title='Link Externo' rel='nofollow external'>http://www.androidpt.info/index.php?title=Recovery']recovery
- wipe data/factory' class='bbc_url' title='Link Externo' rel='nofollow external'>http://www.androidpt.info/index.php?title=Factory_reset']factory reset
- install zip from sdcard/choose zip from sdcard
- power off
- reboot with “Master Reset”
If you remain without IMEI (No Signal), first flash this: http://www29.zippysh.../file.htmlStill no auto brigthness …Special thanks to @Fagulhas for his ROM http://www.androidpt...tyle_emoticons/AndroidSmall/emo_im_happy.png