Liquid Jelly bean beta (GT-i9300)
(known working) Rom Features
Extremely responsive, slim, resource friendly UI
Based on AOSP/CyanogenMod (Android Open Source Project) 4.1.1 Jelly Bean (JB-DEV Branch)
Featuring CyanogenMod Kernel with Pegasuq gov by default
Center clock mod/customizable Color
Customizable battery icons
BirdsNest: PropModder, a new convient way to edit your build.prop with the flick of a finger!
Dyanmic Changelog (So you can see all of the source changes made to our source tree in REAL TIME)
Native Overclocking/Undervolting Perfromance Utility
And Much much more!
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Known Broken Features:
Navbar Mods (still under construction, would reccomend not toying with those settings yet)
Having Trouble connecting to 5ghz wifi SSiD's (though they do show up under available networks)
This is a beta, so please let us know what else is broken!
Hello android Friends, I just received the i9300 and I must say WHAT AN INCREDIBLE BEAST OF A PHONE. Very very excited and honored to be working on it. You can look at this release as somewhat of a 'maitenance release' beta 1 had a lot of issues. As far as Im aware, all of those issues have been resolved. We cannot emphasize enough how much credit CM and The Muppets deserve for the device/vendor tree accordingly so HUGE SHOUTOUT TO YOU GUYS...
This ROM is extremely lag-free and feature rich, its also insanely efficient and easy on the battery.
Also, if you guys have a concern that we cannot adress here in at XDA-Developers or youd like to contribute a great new idea for improving our project, we welcome you to join us @ IRC.FREENODE.NET; #LIQUIDS. (/j #liquids)
A proper Changelog is under construction but you can use the dynamic changelog feature in the ROM to see all of our latest changes and who authored/commited each commit, You can also check out our github history for a more indepth look at the changes made..
Parece interessante, não testei, se alguem testar 1º que eu coloque aqui o que acha se vale ou não a pena
Link abaixo