Continuing with this month’s M-Series release, M2 is burning up CPU time on the build servers right now!
The M-Series is our monthly release series. The devices we build M for are essentially stable, and ready to be your daily driver.
We are building M2 for these devices:
- Galaxy Nexus GSM (maguro)
- Galaxy Nexus VZW (toro)
- Galaxy Nexus Sprint (toroplus)
- Galaxy S2 GT-I9100G (i9100g)
- Galaxy S2 AT&T LTE (skyrocket)
- Galaxy S2 T-Mobile (hercules)
- Galaxy S (galaxysmtd)
- Galaxy S B (galaxysbmtd)
- Captivate (captivatemtd)
- Galaxy S3 Sprint (d2spr)
- Galaxy S3 VZW (d2vzw)
- Galaxy S3 AT&T (d2att)
- Galaxy S3 TMO (d2tmo)
- Galaxy S3 US Cellular (d2usc)
- Motorola Xoom (wingray/stingray)
- Nexus S (crespo)
- Nexus S 4G (crespo4g)
- Galaxy Note AT&T (quincyatt)
- Galaxy Note T-Mobile (quincytmo)
- Google Nexus 7 (grouper)
- LG Nitro HD (p930)
- LG Optimus Black (p970)
- LG Optimus LTE SKT (su640)
- Sony Xperia Acro S (hikari)
- Sony Xperia S (nozomi)
The latest builds are available via the new CM Updater, as well as ROM Manager. Or, you can download manually from Get.CM. With any M release, we are zooming in on a stable version so we need your feedback and bug reports to make it as good as it can be!
If you like what we’re doing, please consider dropping a couple of bucks at our donation link below. It helps us outfit the teams with new devices as well as keep our infrastructure running.
Enjoy M2!
E ao clicar no link onde diz Get.CM e escolher o nosso S2 eis a info :
Ou seja nenhuma. pois entao o link que ai ainda a dizer que e oficial da CM nao é!!
Editado por timelo, 12 October 2012 - 19:05.