Based on XXDLJ1
Samsung stock Jelly Bean rom modded for the best Stability and Speed..
Ext4 Tweaks (Aroma)
SQLlite 3 Teaks (Aroma)
Battery Tweaks
AOSP Jelly Bean keyboard
AC!D Audio Technology (Dr.Dre, Beats Audio, Sony Walkman and more..)
Disabled scrolling cache
Hacked Stock Email App
Removed bloatware Apps (Can be Installed With Aroma)
RAM Optimizations
GPU Acceleration
Zipaligns Apk's At Boot
Cell Standby Fix (Build-in)
Wifi Fixed (Thanks to gh.rohit)
1% Batt Mod
10 Steps Auto Brightness Mod
Fixed Browser
Fixed Email
Custom Boot Animation Supported
Updated Host List
Extended Power Menu
Call Rec Enabled (Thanks To Wanam)
Hide Sms From Call Log (Thanks To Wanam)
OOM Priority Supercharger ( Thanks To Zeppelinrox )
Init.d Tweaks
Build.prop Tweaks
OTA Updater
Enable/Disable Fast Dormancy (thanks to gokhan)
SuperSu 0.96
Touch Recovery (Aroma)
PlayStore 3.8.17
CenterClock Mod (Aroma)(Thanks to raubkatze for the guide how to)
DragonJB Theme (Aroma)
Battery Mods (Aroma)
Signal Mods (Aroma)
Galaxy Sim Unlock
And More.....
Installation Instructions:
Recommended Full Wipe!!!
1. When installing rom first choose install System
2. After installation system reboot phone, let phone boot and then set google account.
3. when done setting google account leave phone alone for 15mins and let the media scanner do its job!
4. Now you can reboot to recovery and start installing mods and so on in the Dragon Jelly Bean Kitchen


Editado por devilpunk, 24 October 2012 - 22:51.