Boa noite.
Alguém me consegue arranjar o changelog da nova nordic countries I9100XWLSS_I9100OXXLS9 que saiu hoje?
Edit: Consegui encontrar no xda, créditos vão para o user Tungstwenty
Changes from XWLSN to XWLSS
Changelist: 1069234 -> 1156082
- small fix in keyguard, when enabling keyguard and it's not a secure one
- minor change in MultiWindow code related with forcing a window to hide (code not used in stock)
- BackupAgent: fixed security vulnerability (cross-domain restore)
- webkit: minor fix in remembering user/password for sites
- correction in Extended Clipboard (history) to properly handle clips with HTML contents
- correction in Extended Clipboard (history) for concurrent copies of new clips at the same time
- fix in detection of CSC version change after boot
- removed wrong broadcast START_ENCRYPTION that was sent when encryption was turned *off*
- PackageManager: query external media state (mounted/unmounted) whenever needed, instead of relying on last broadcast state
- Clipboard picker: unregister phone state listener when closing the window
FotaClient - delay between diclaimer notifications changed from 7 to 2 days
Samsung Push Services - newer version: retry failed connections
Newer version of Samsung Apps
Newer version of Samsung Backup (S-cloud)
Contacts - change in search using postal address
Telephony Provider - additional security checks when parsing MMS attachment filenames
Don't use roaming for Samsung Push data unless WiFi is in use
- No changes at all in kernel driver modules: WiFi, exfat, FM radio, ...
- init scripts include an additional directory being created under /efs for the Factory Mode app
- kernel code doesn't match exactly (unknown differences) but there are no different strings except for changelist and build date
AUT (Switzerland): changed MMS APN info for Mobilkom
DNF (Finland): AMR Voice Codec now ON; start day of the week = Monday
NEE (Nordic): AMR Voice Codec now ON
Included sales codes stay the same: AUT, CYO, CYV, DNF, EUR, NEE (default), ORG, ORS, TPH, XSK
Binaries / Libs
Updated files:
- /system/bin/fsck.exfat, mkfs.exfat
- wpa_supplicant (additional message related with WiFi EAP-TLS encryption involving CA certificate)
- several libraries under /system/lib, mostly with small changes (but don't have the detail): soundfx, android_runtime, controlcsc, exfat_utils, mediayamahaservice, sec-ril, webcore, webrtc_audio_preprocessing
Editado por seugirdor, 04 May 2013 - 02:11.