Comparativo entre versões LSS e LSW.
Changelist: 1156082 -> 1211311
- change in keyguard, when the SIM card needs an unlock code
- "OTA domestic SMS" (whatever that means): fix validation privileges to send SMS; also, feature is now disabled (?)
Live Wallpapers - galaxy and nexus files have differences, don't know if anything visible
Gmail - version 4.3.1 instead of 4.2.1, but current version from store is already 4.5
Google Maps - version 614030402 instead of 614020502, but current version from store is already 614040002
Google Play Services - version 3.0.27 instead of 2.0.12, but current version is already 3.1.36
Google Account Manager - version 4.1.2-610838 instead of 4.1.2-509230 (I didn't get any updates from the store, still have the older version)
Google Partner Setup - version 4.1.2-610838 instead of 4.1.2-509230 (I didn't get any updates from the store, still have the older version)
Google Magazines - version 1.2.1 instead of 1.2.0 (I didn't get any updates from the store, still have the older version)
Google Play Music - version 4.5 instead of 4.4, but current version is already 5.0
PhoneErrService / Error / RilErrorNotifier - fixed small security vulnerability
Play Store / Phonesky - version 4.0.27 instead of 3.10.10, but current version is already 4.1.10
Google Plus - version 3.6.0 instead of 3.3.0, but current version is already 4.0.0
Samsung Favorite Apps widget - minor changes
TW Launcher - small correction for resuming the display (focus back on the launcher) and a folder was being edited
SecMms - small change in code to get current location
SecEmail - change in code to migrate previous versions' database structure
SecPhone - option for disabling video call recording in Australia (CSC_Feature_* Setting); XEO specific tests; flatrate, data and roaming alert popups, (CSC_Feature_* setting)
SecSettings - accessibility widget / panel reacts to orientation change
SysScope - added Verizon specific code for root detection
Google Talkback - version 3.3.0 instead of 3.2.1 (lots of classes changed); no update received from store
Google Search - version 2.4.10 instead of 2.0.0, but current version is already 2.5.8
Youtube - version 4.4.11 instead of 4.2.16, but current version is already 4.5.17
Zinio (Samsung Readers Hub) - tiny change (options menu)
- No changes at all in the entire kernel: driver modules (WiFi, exfat, FM radio, ...), init scripts, kernel code image
- Only the build number and timestamps have changed
Unlike OXX, XEU is not multi-csc and is only for the settings of UK & Ireland
Didn't compare with any previous XEU csc to see what changed.
OXXLS9 can still be used instead of the bundled XEULS5, using Mobile or PC Odin.
Binaries / Libs / Others
Updated files:
- /system/etc/media_codecs.xml: removed some codec entries like video/rv, vp8, audio/ra, audio/arc_*
- /system/bin/dttexe (Kies related)
- several libraries under /system/lib, mostly with small changes (but don't have the detail): android_runtime, AppDataSearch (new), cordon, drm1, goggles_clientvision (new), google_recognizer_jni, patts_engine, sec-ril, stagefright* webcore
Most of the changes are related with several google apps, of which are generally even more recent on the store. There are however a couple which don't seem to be updated from the store, so you'll get a couple fixes by applying XWLSW.
Small fixes in some other apps also included, so if you want you might as well do the upgrade without the need for a wipe.
You can use another CSC (such as the OXX from the previous NEE packages).
One interesting note is the complete absence of kernel changes.
A maioria das alterações, são relacionadas a app google, as quais já tem actualizações na Play Store. No entanto, algumas delas não, pelo que a ROM terá alguns updates nessas.
Resolvidos também alguns erros noutras aplicações, pelo que se quiserem podem fazer o upgrade sem necessitarem de efectuar wipe.
Pode ser usado outro CSC (por exemplo o OXX da rom NEE)
Nota interessante para a total ausência de alterações no Kernel.
Créditos ao Tungstwenty, como sempre.