Bom dia! Peço, por favor, que alguém me ajude! Eu segui as instruções do post, mas o programa esta dando esses erros, como segue o log:
12/028/2014 18:28:38 - INFO - Flashtool Version built on 06-16-2014 23:00:00
12/028/2014 18:28:38 - INFO - Executing search strategies to find proxy selector
12/028/2014 18:28:38 - INFO - No proxy found for IE. Trying next one
12/028/2014 18:28:38 - ERROR - Error parsing settingsprefs.js (O sistema não pode encontrar o arquivo especificado)
12/028/2014 18:28:38 - INFO - Strategy firefox failed trying next one : prefs.js (O sistema não pode encontrar o arquivo especificado)
12/028/2014 18:28:38 - INFO - No proxy found for java. Trying next one
12/028/2014 18:28:38 - INFO - Syncing devices from github
12/028/2014 18:28:39 - INFO - Pulling changes
12/028/2014 18:28:39 - INFO - Checking if changes have been made to devices folder.
12/028/2014 18:28:51 - INFO - Device connected with USB debugging on
12/028/2014 18:28:51 - INFO - Connected device : Sony Xperia P
12/028/2014 18:28:52 - INFO - Installed version of busybox : BusyBox v1.22.1 bionic (2014-04-06 21:24 +0200) multi-call binary.
12/028/2014 18:28:52 - INFO - Android version : 4.4.2 / kernel version : 3.0.101_by_Munjeni_and_XperiaSTE-g114fe70-dirty / Build number : KVT49L
12/028/2014 18:28:52 - INFO - Checking
root access
12/028/2014 18:28:52 - INFO -
Root Access Allowed
12/028/2014 18:28:52 - INFO - Installing toolbox to device...
12/028/2014 18:28:52 - INFO - Pushing C:\Flashtool\custom\
root\ftkit.tar to /data/local/tmp
12/028/2014 18:28:52 - INFO - Running installftkit as
root thru sysrun
12/030/2014 18:30:13 - INFO - Selected Bundle for Xperia P (LT22i). FW release : 6.2.A.1.100. Customization : CE Stock Unbranded
12/030/2014 18:30:13 - INFO - Preparing files for flashing
12/031/2014 18:31:16 - INFO - Please connect your device into flashmode.
12/031/2014 18:31:26 - INFO - Device disconnected
12/033/2014 18:33:01 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
12/033/2014 18:33:01 - INFO - Opening device for R/W
12/033/2014 18:33:01 - INFO - Start Flashing
12/033/2014 18:33:01 - INFO - Processing loader.sin
12/033/2014 18:33:01 - INFO - Checking header
12/033/2014 18:33:01 - ERROR - Processing of loader.sin finished with errors.
12/033/2014 18:33:01 - INFO - Ending flash session
12/033/2014 18:33:01 - ERROR -
12/033/2014 18:33:01 - ERROR - Error flashing. Aborted
12/033/2014 18:33:01 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
12/033/2014 18:33:48 - INFO - Device disconnected
O que esta errado? como resolver isso? Se alguém puder me ajudar, ficarei muito grato!