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[ROM] [ROM][M7UL][JB][4.3.0] CyanogenMod 10.2 official nightly builds

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#1 babuja


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Mensagem publicada 11 June 2013 - 07:18

CyanogenMod 10.2 official nightlies de codeworkx. (atualizado a 12-08-2013)




CyanogenMod is a free, community built, aftermarket firmware distribution of Android 4.2 (JB), which is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device.

CyanogenMod is based on the Android Open Source Project with extra contributions from many people within the Android community. It can be used without any need to have any Google application installed. Linked below is a package that has come from another Android project that restore the Google parts. CyanogenMod does still include various hardware-specific code, which is also slowly being open-sourced anyway.

All the source code for CyanogenMod is available in the CyanogenMod Github repo. And if you would like to contribute to CyanogenMod, please visit out Gerrit Code Review. You can also view the Changelog for a full list of changes & features.


We'll not support users and answer questions from users which:
- are running a custom kernel
- have flashed mods
- modified system files
- didn't follow our intructions word by word
- are unfriendly

Even if you tell us that your problem is not related to your custom kernel /mod / magic => WE DON'T CARE!
Your mod => your problem!



Official CyanogenMod Wiki:


First time installing CyanogenMod 10.2 to your HTC One (GSM), or coming from another ROM:
- Unlock your device via
- Flash the latest official ClockworkMod-Recovery via Fastboot
- Copy GApps and CM10.2 ZIPs to your SDCard
- Boot into Recovery
- Flash CM10.2 zip from SDCard
- Flash GApps zip from SDCard
- Reboot
- Don't restore system data using Titanium Backup!
- Restoring Apps + Data might cause problems and is not recommended, avoid it if possible!

Upgrading from earlier version of CyanogenMod 10.2:
- Copy CM10.2 ZIP to your SDCard
- Boot into Recovery
- Flash CM10.2 zip from SDCard
- Reboot

Upgrading from CyanogenMod 10.1:
- Read known issues ans FAQs
- Copy 4.3 GApps and CM10.2 ZIPs to your SDCard
- Boot into Recovery
- Flash CM10.2 zip from SDCard
- Flash GApps zip from SDCard
- Reboot


CM10.2 official nightly builds:

Google Apps:



BBQDroid: http://changelog.bbq...7ul/cm10.2/next


If you're going to reuse our work, which we're doing for free, be fair and give proper credits.
This is the only payment we're really demanding and we deserve it to be mentioned because of the countless hours we've put into this project.
Open-Source doesn't meant Out-of-Respect!!!

Current devices:
Google Nexus 4: 3.4.y, CWM6, CM10.2
HTC One: 3.4.y, CWM6, CM10.2
Sony Xperia Tablet Z: 3.4.y, CWM6, CM10.2
Sony Xperia Z: 3.4.y, CWM6, CM10.2
Sony Xperia V: 3.4.y, CWM6, CM10.2
Sony Xperia T: 3.4.y, CWM6, CM10.2
Samsung Galaxy Note II LTE GT-N7105: 3.0.y, CWM6, CM10.2
Samsung Galaxy S III GT-I9300: 3.0.y, CWM6, CM10.2
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1" GT-P5100: 3.0.y, CWM6, CM10.2
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7" GT-P3100: 3.0.y, CWM6, CM10.2
Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100: 3.0.y, CWM6, CM10.2
Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100G: 3.0.y, CWM6, CM10.2

Dead devices:
Google Galaxy Nexus, HTC Desire HD, LG Optimus 2X, Samsung Galaxy S, HTC Dream (G1)

BBQLinux - An Arch based Linux distribution for Android developers
Website: | Screenshots | Downloads | IRC: #bbqlinux @


Editado por babuja, 19 August 2013 - 16:26.

  • TugaPower gosta disto

HTC M8 "reformado" > LG G4 "em bootloop" tirando a câmara uma desilusão > Nexus 6p "a caminho"

#2 DiogoLamego


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Mensagem publicada 11 June 2013 - 09:35

E pronto ainda nem o telefone me chegou às mãos e lá vou eu começar :P

  • babuja, Dark_Sorcerer e TugaPower gosta disto

#3 babuja


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Mensagem publicada 19 August 2013 - 16:26

Post atualizado

HTC M8 "reformado" > LG G4 "em bootloop" tirando a câmara uma desilusão > Nexus 6p "a caminho"