Pode ser em cima de qualquer uma...
De preferência faz Wipe cache, dalvik, data, system, android.secure ...
Depois a só flashar a CM 10.2 + Gapps e wipe cache, dalvik and reboot...
PS: ainda tem alguns bugs não rectificados, mas trabalha-se bem com ela...
Originally Posted by
The language change on reboot is a bug introduced by the most recent update of SuperSU (1.69, I think). Chainfire says (on Google+) that he's figured it out and it will be fixed in his next update, so patience all! (I'm experiencing the problem too!)
Instalar Aplicacao
Link supersu 1.65 https://copy.com/xalFIYBtodyg
Para uns a situacao anterior nao resolve por isso fica aqui a nova solucao deixada pelo Chainfire
Instalacao via Recovery Versao Beta SuperSU 1.72
- Fixed OTA survival 4.3 --> 4.4
- Fixed unresponsive tabs on 2.x devices
- Fixed white flicker when using dark theme
- Fixed issue with language resetting on some firmwares
- Fixed upgrading from CWM SU to SuperSU on 4.3+ without reboot
- Added mgyun root (vroot) uninstall procedure
- Added xxhdpi icons (if available)
- Stop touching .has_su_daemon
- Several dozen security hardening commits
Editado por Fujitsu, 18 November 2013 - 01:22.