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Root e agora?

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#1 joaobarbosajb



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Mensagem publicada 12 March 2014 - 20:12



Segui as intruções e já fiz o root ao tab2, através do odin.


 "Follow these instructions to the letter. Do not touch any buttons or checkboxes that are not listed below to touch!
- Unzip the attached file
- Download and unzip the file (see posts below this one)
- If you end up with a recovery.img and cache.img file, you've extracted twice. You need to end up with a .tar.md5 file - don't extract that one
- (USB) Disconnect your phone from your computer
- Start Odin3-vX.X.exe
- Click the PDA button, and select CF-Auto-Root-....tar.md5
- Put your phone in download mode (turn off phone, then hold VolDown+Power to boot - if it asks you to press a button to continue, press the listed button, or run adb reboot download command)
- (USB) Connect the phone to your computer
- Make sure Repartition is NOT checked
- Click the Start button
- Wait for Android to boot"


E agora? como confirmo se está "rootiado"?

Há mais alguma coisa que possa fazer? Já posso apagar as aplicações da samsung? E instalar no sdcar?





#2 warlock


    Fã de Android

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Mensagem publicada 13 March 2014 - 13:06

Na Google apps existe aplicações para testares se o tab 2 se encontra roteado.