Ok, Mossamedes, flashas a Stock ROM (que é minha!! lol) que postei da mesma maneira que flashaste a blackphone, creio. Se não, usas o nvflash.exe em windows. Não corres pelo CMD, corres normalmente com o duplo click e fazes restore ao mdm.
Apanhei isto de um tutorial russo para o explay 4game e tradizi as instruções no google.. SEI QUE FUNCIONA!! porque o meu DUMP saiu com a estrutura da ROM do explay desse tutorial! Nem tudo saiu bem na tradução mas aqui fica:
Learn how to update phone firmware (Explay 4Game)
Before starting the firmware fully charge the phone
1 - Find driver PC
2 - Open to sew TNVflash.exe (caminho para a pasta com os arquivos de firmware e o programa para piscar deve ser em Inglês)
3 - Especifique o caminho para a pasta que contém os arquivos de firmware
4 - Turn off your phone. Select «BackupMdm hold the phone button" + "(volume) -Connect phone to your PC (via USB cable). You Take the following window:
5 - Go to the folder with the program for the firmware. File «mdm-....img and rename to mdm-rst.img
6 - Unlock phone from PC. Extract and Zanova find akkumulyator. In the program dlya quilting v?berite point «Upgrade zazhmite phone klavishu" + "(increase gromkosti) subkey telephone k PC (with USB cable pomoshtyyu). Nachnetsya protsess broaches
Vo Vremya protsessa broaches not touched phone is not unlocked ego by SC
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7 - When the process of the firmware is completed, you Take the following window:
8 - After end of the flash is the phone automatically turns on. Turn off your phone. The program for flashing select «RestoreMDM hold the phone button" + "(volume) to connect your phone to your PC (using a USB cable. In the window that appears, click" OK ":
Do not touch the phone, do not disconnect it from the PC!
You Take the following window:
9 - Nazhmite "October". Unlock by the GOK. Extract and Zanova find akkumulyator. Turn on the phone. Protsess broaches zavershen.
Espero que ajude!
Irei criar um post AiO(all in One)