Build 15/01/2015TugaPower ROM G+
TugaPower v19.0
Change log:
Profiles: Add 4g as connection options for profiles
Settings: Create unlinked and linked notification & ring volume options.
Mms: add tint to mms_play_btn drawable
netd: Fix creation of hostapd sockets dir
TeleService: fix "switches for checkboxes" for MSim
Port network mode toggle from CM11
MSIM: Replace the "SUB" string
nl80211: Add unhandled attributes from wpa_supplicant
msm8974: remove extraneous audio_policy.conf
Calendar: toggle on delete events overlay to delete multiple events
Port "filter by date range" from call stats page to call log
appops: Disassociate appops requests from notification broadcasts
ConnectionSettings: Add 4g as connection options for profiles
SystemUI: Create expandable volume panel
Implement linked volumes and add upgrade path.
Powered by SuperSU 2.44
ROM -->
MD5: dccea175dc95b12e944577aab587acc4
Happy flashing
Gapps -->
Update Firmware parts for better function over CM12
Flash over TWRP--> é preciso flashar isto quem vier de CM11 ou outra base de ROM que nao a minha pois as minhas ultimas builds ja traziam isto incorporado, decidi remover para reduzir o tamanho do zip.